Help me learn & select turbo for 1.5L TurboDiesel


New member
Feb 7, 2013
I'm working on a VW turbodiesel project 1.5L displacement) that will be used for a land speed racing application.

This engine uses a 1.5L rotating assembly, and a 1.9L cylinder head, which lowers the static compression to around 18:1. This is an Indirect Injection engine.

This combination of parts was never offered from the factory - it's a combination that I put together in order to meet the 1.5L displacement limit for the class I'm running in.

Anyway - street driveability is not important, nor is turbo lag. I will have 2 miles to get up to speed, with the 3rd mile for the actual "speed trap" section. I will be using an air to water intercooler, cooled by an icewater tank mounted in the bed of the truck (A Dodge Rampage), and circulated with a bilge type pump..

I think I need to run about 30psi boos to hit the power numbers I'm looking for, but it would be nice to have "adjustable", or tune-able boost if possible.

It looks like I'll be fabbing my own header for this engine/chassis combination, so I am open with respect to which turbo flange to use.

I'm learning as much as possible as quickly as possible, but am basically ignorant with respect to turbo selection for a racing type diesel engine.

Any advice is welcome.

Thank You,

Based on the gearing and tire size, I can change my target rpm's from 4,400 to 5,000 or so. These little VW diesels are OK to spin at that level.

I have an idea bouncing around in my head about using a VNT turbo (like maybe a GT2256V), and somehow adjusting the VNT manually from inside the cab of the truck.

Does anyone use a setup like I have described?

Keep in mind that this will be for competition only, no street driving.
I wouldn't use a vnt. You could end up with drive pressure issues, not good for idi engines especially at 4500rpm.. I would go with a gated turbo however, you can adjust boost and wheel speed accordingly.
Riv - any thoughts about which gated turbo might work on a 1.5L diesel?

A GT20 should do the job. I think a GT22 will be a bit large for the application. We put a GT20 on a 1.9tdi once and it worked great. We never put the car on a dyno so I don't know exact power but I'd have guessed it to be near 150 at the wheels.
If I can get 125 HP (sustained over a couple of miles), I think I can set a new record in this class.

What weight, frontal area, and drag coefficient are you shooting for? RBR Racing has a pretty good aero calculator on their site.
Yep, I've used that calculator to play around with some values. There really aren't any good numbers for drag coefficient on an '84 Rampage, so it's a bit of a guessing game.
i see you bought the 2056 from the forums on land racing. how come you havent updates us here?

also, i would be careful about cooling the air too much at the beginning of the run when using an a/w intercooler. cold air is good, but in a diesel with a cold combustion chamber it will put the fire right out. once you get some heat going, then turn the pump on and boogie.

several pullers on here have ran into that issue.
I think I have a T3 manifold some where in my garage. I also have a Spearco manifold for use with a RayJay turbo.
I ran a B flow RayJay at 25 psi of inter cooled boost and put down 100hp and 150tq on a smog dyno in Denver area. 1200 deg on the pyro as well. That was with a 1.5 Vw diesel. I'm sure you already know but I would highly recommend the piston oil squirters as my little 1.5 did not last too long.
None of the GT series turbos can support 30psi boost except the modern VK or newer models. But, a GT2056vk will only surge at 30psi on a 1.5L TD until well above 5500rpm.
An older GT2359V will be slightly above its map but could do it.

A T3-45 or T3-50 will support 30psi at 5500rpm with room for up to 6000rpm.

In any case, you will have to take steps to delay the turbo from spooling up until above 3500rpm to prevent surge at 30psi.



