Help needed.


Smoke show
Dec 12, 2008
I am trying to figure out what is wrong with my truck. It is definatly somthing electrical. What I think is happening is that my truck is reading different parts of a tune than it should be. I will try and be to the point with out rambeling to much but if more info is needed let me know.

Back last november I dropped a valve seat. So the head came off and got a complete rebuild. Port, polish, new valve guides and seats, stiff springs, and head studs. While the injectors were just sitting there on the bench they got sent to Scheid to become 150's. Put back togeather and it ran real strong. At this point I had Industrials 85% cp3(high miles on it) FASS 150 feeding it, Industrials Silver 66 and for programing I was running Beta 4.2 stacked with MP-8. Like I said it pulled real strong with this programing, But also real smokey. In the past I tried a lot of different tunes and this one ran the best. Then I was reading Forums and UDC was just comming to light. So in a quest for more Horse Power my S-06 under went a programing change and now of corse has the Latest TNT on it with the UDC software. So there is no going back to the Beta. I got hooked up with a guy that knows the UDC and writes tunes for people. He has writen 30 + tunes and my truck does not like it. Could not get the popping to stop out the exhaust. So the Diagnosis started. Looking at UDC graphs at rail pressure and the rail pressure Gauge in my truck. If in nuetral while truck is at 2,000 rpm the trucks rail pressure is at 13,000 where the UDC graph says it should be alot lower. It appeard to be reading like 4 cells down in the tune. Being this is the only thing I know for sure I am aslo thinking that other things to do with programing it is reading wrong parts of the tune. Basicly what is happining is there is popping comming out the exhaust and with 30 plus tunes written it can't be tuned out. So I have done alot more of diagnostic stuff. Here is another one, with NO tune in the truck at all just stock. If you take and rev the truck too 2,000 rpms the rail pressure is or seems to high to me it is at 11,000 psi. The only reason I keep refuring to rail pressure because I have the gauge for it and it is the most noticeable thing. Driving the truck with stock programing the rail pressure seemed to high just a gradual take off you could faintly here the injectors. So when you put some programing ino the truck this is amplified. So what I am thinking there is a little gremlin of a problem Program Stock which would be not noticeable to the averadge person but if you pay attention real close too everything the truck is doing there is something wrong and when you ask the truck to do something extra with programing the gremlin gets more angry:doh:. With the latest TNTR soft were with with these settings,
Catcher SW-9
Torque #2
Shift Defuel #1 (off)
Timing #4
Rail Pressure #3
Waste Gate #1 (off)
There is no popping out the exhaust. but my Beta 4.2 was stronger than this.

If I set to SW-9 and set all settings to default popping in 2nd and 3rd gear only and the other gears power is pretty good with no popping.

I have replaced alot of things. I will list them. Here are the new, Air intake temp sensor, MAP sensor, Fuel Rail pressure sensor, under batt tray APPS sensor, PRV Valve, 2 new CP3 pumps with new FCA's, FASS 150 HD, I replaced these things one at a time and checked things with no change except for the duel pumps.

After the dual pump install truck ran great but rail pressure seemed high still even with no program in it. put the smarty in the truck with SW catcher setting 9 and setting set like above and no popping. changed the settings to all default and took it for a drive and it pulled quite a bit harder but in 3rd a verry faint pop out exhaust if you were not listning close you would have missed it. So I figured the popping issue was fixed with the dual pumps. had a new tune writen and put it in drove it and popping again. so I put the sw catcher tune back in on sw-9 set everything to default and it was popping out exhaust in 2nd and 3rd only and pulled good in the other gears with no popping.

I know I said at the begining I would not rammble but I guess I am..*bdh*
It seems like every time I drive my truck it is a little different.

My truck is an Early 04 And I thought I read some were that with dual pumps that the popping issue went away.

Could there be an ECM problem? or something esle that I can check out on my truck?
