help please engine runaway


New member
Oct 26, 2007
was trying to get more power via injector pump AFC diaphragm, had a buddy helping me and as soon as i had the cover off exposing the diaphragm he took his fat little fingers and spun the diaphragm before i could mark it vs the housing so after much swearing and name calling i continued on and rotated the shaft as best i could from the instructions provided off this site, after putting it all back together i started it up and the engine started to runaway, now i heard that this could happen when adjusting the fuel screw and i know what to do in that case but here i have no idea what is causing it. maybe i rotated it too much or incorrectly, what do i do? please help
93 power ram 250, 4x4, auto, reg cab, pyro and boost
There is really nothing that you could have done, to make it run away. I would Pull the AFC cone out, and then check and see what the AFC pen is doing. But really there is nothing with the AFC that should have made it want to run away. I think maybe your buddy was playing with the Fuel Screw when you weren't Looking,LOL!
well i messed with the fuel screw and am able to get the revs down a bit but not far enough and every time I try to back the screw out to lower the rpms a little more the engine dies, also the engine does not respond right away when I step on the pedal instead it steadily climbs towards the point of no return, do i need to adjust something else?
I forgot to mention that I had turned up the smoke adjust screw on the top of the housing about three turns prior to doing the afc adjustment
I know this doesn't help you right now, but I always do ONE thing at a time to a pump... if it starts acting funny, you know what caused it and can go back and undo it
sorry have been away for a while, I have got it figured out, it was the fuel screw adjustment that did it, thanks for your help on that one man. I do however have another question, I had to lower my idle a bit but I wanted to lower it even more cuz I am going to turn in the fuel screw some more, the thing is though the screw isn't even close to backed out yet but the spring won't push the idle back any farther
you may have to adjust the cable linkgage too.... the one with teh ball and socket to allow more travel ...
The only thing another spring is gonna do is make your foot tired when you're on the highway. You need to reindex the throttle shaft to go any further. You'd want to go one notch counter clockwise to lower rpms. If you decide to go to this trouble, you may as well put the 3200rpm gov spring in. 3200 RPM Gov Spring Part#1-464-650-366 from any Bosch pump supplier. I paid 19.00 for my last one. Great mod. Also gring your fuel pin if you haven't already.
I have also ground alittle of the case, to let the arm come back farther it lowered mine alittle