Here goes nothing- Build Thread!

glad to see this project didn't die last year. looks like it's gonna be fun!
I have a slight bit of a "brilliant" idea here. Anyone see a caged truck with a set of buckets in the rear? Possibly with a rear center console?

Dang that's a big secondary. I'm not entirely sure you need that big of a compressor if you're still using a 96/1.32 (or with the 1.5x that's coming out sometime this year) turbine side. An 80mm compressor would probably do fine IMO.
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Dang that's a big secondary. I'm not entirely sure you need that big of a compressor if your still using a 96/1.32 (or with the 1.5x that's coming out sometime this year) turbine side. An 80mm compressor would probably do fine IMO.

I'm really leaning more toward the 80mm comp with a 1.5 turbine. But we shall see I'm waiting on the new series to come out.

With a 6 blade billet 80mm compressor it should spool pretty damn fast compared to anything else that size, and you still have an 1100+whp capable secondary.
Cant wait to see what you decide to go with for the cage. I've been on the fence myself on this matter
Cant wait to see what you decide to go with for the cage. I've been on the fence myself on this matter

I've been discussing going 8.50 with the chassis shop. Probably gonna go that way but waiting to get the power plant in to decide. We've got some ideas on going 8.50 and retaining rear seats...

Ready to see what you come up with, mines gotta be able to take the wife and kids for a cruise.

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It's not much. But better than no progress. I think I'm gonna repurpose these 2g air bags to work since I have them.

I have a slight bit of a "brilliant" idea here. Anyone see a caged truck with a set of buckets in the rear? Possibly with a rear center console?


It's in a mega cab but maybe this can brew up an idea

I'm really leaning more toward the 80mm comp with a 1.5 turbine. But we shall see I'm waiting on the new series to come out.


Decide on this yet? Pretty sure you could get away with a 75 on the manifold and love the 1800+ it makes