Hi from Keswick ontario canada


New member
Dec 3, 2009
Hi just introducing m self.
Name: Nick
Truck: 05 2500 Dodge Cummins 5.9. I have 4 inch MRBP exhaust, Bd special B Turbo, 90 hp injectors, BD tranny, levelling kit... And a list as long as my arm of things i want to add.
Currently I am trying to decide on what chip/programmer to get. This is hard as there are a lot of options and everybody says there's is the best.
Welcome from ft mcmurray alberta... look at the smarty, the best solution for you truck,, stack it with a dr p box.
Another Southern Ontarian, welcome.

Home of the keswick dinner jacket.
Welcome, talk to Heath at HotRod diesel. He's just around the corner from ya.
Welcome from ft mcmurray alberta... look at the smarty, the best solution for you truck,, stack it with a dr p box.

I have! And while I like it, I am looking for monitoring and turbo timer. Plus as I am just starting out in the world of chips I am worried of messing something up with the smarty cuz it is pretty powerful... But thank you for the tip I am between the quad and smarty.
Welcome, talk to Heath at HotRod diesel. He's just around the corner from ya.

Thanks, I have as I have had a nasty experience with a Banks 6 gun. Talked to him on the phone seems like a nice fellow and interested in my problem and trying to help.