hmm paint?

I'm a huge fan of black and ______ (orange, blue, red) 2 tone trucks like 123's, not on the bottom (like mineLOL).
Black it out. Paint all plastics to match and tint all the windows dark. It will look awesome then.
I like the 2 tone blue with silver or grey. Black is beautiful when clean but, it's a nightmare to keep it clean. I agree...ANYTHING but white
front end flat black flame's with a caryon blue out line, air brush the tips of the flame's white ,red and some orange and the rest glossy black
Seems everyone blacks everything out these days. Looks god awful if you ask me. Do something original or different.
Red and metallic silver in my avatar. It used to be red and grey...switched it up a bit.
Hmm..if it were me...I'd have to go with the Ford Sonic blue, and maybe a royal purple of sorts. There used to be a truck around here that looked all one color when you aproached it straight on from the side. But then if you came from any other direction the two-tone was camilion it changed colors on ya. Kinda neat, because it was different.