Hollister, CA Pull Oct 3rd

I'm not gonna make it, still waitin on a few small parts, should be at Sac next weekend though.
Argh, I wish I could go!!! My life keeps getting in the way of my hobby. :doh: It's nice to see all you guys pull in the same event. Good luck to everyone who goes!

Had a great time guy’s was home by 11:30 :)

How about that Joel Gooch guy taking 1st place with the Big Green Sleeper at the last two hooks, Redding and now Hollister. Congrats Joel !!!!

Here are some video's Dana took:

Joel's video:

Nick's Video:

Joe's G's:



you sure about that?
Toms truck sounded real good!! been a while since ive seen a video of it. i thought it had duals though?
Congrats to Joel and Scott those were great pulls, it was great to be pulling agian with all the guys.

Joel got 2nd in Redding, but it did look like he killed it in Hollister. Sweet pull.
Congrats to Joel for spanking me... Never got distances on first and second as they seemed annoyed when Megan went to ask but they did give her tom's (279ft) and mine (312ft). I know Joel won and Craig got second. Not sure where anyone else placed. I came out too hard for sure but just wanted to test the tranny more than anything and it shifted great. Even pulled 4th gear most of the run. That proved wayyyy to much tire speed for the track but got some good data. And I think i'm getting better at keeping that charger lit at the end :) We got home at 1:15am. It was funny as the head guy was yelling at me to go as soon as i started to spool the turbo.. guess he doesn't understand Diesels...i just ignored him.:lolly:

Here are the video's we got:


YouTube - Hollister, CA 10-3-09 Joel Gooch - JH Performance


YouTube - Hollister, CA 10-3-09 Craig Johnson - Big Power Diesel


YouTube - Hollister, CA 10-3-09 Tom Colesanti - Big Power Diesel


YouTube - Hollister, CA 10-3-09 Nick D'Amico - Conspiracy Theory Duramax
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Congrats to Joel, Nick, and Craig, you guys had some good looking hooks. I was just stoked to finally get the truck down the track after my year long absense. It seems we had a little too big of a gear in the truck, but I was very happy with the way it ran. This was probably it for me this year as I have some other issues to address. It was great to see everyone, and would like to give a huge thanks to everyone who helped to get the truck ready once again: Sara, Craig, Wes, Ken, and Jim.
