Home-Made SS Intake Horn (w/PICS)


New member
Dec 25, 2007
Ok, got done making this recently and was wondering on what you guys like or dislike about it? It has 3 welded on 1/8” bungs, welded on bracket for dipstick, and welded on tab stops for IC boot. Does not have mount for wiring harness ( I did put a bolt through the wiring harness brackets to hold them together) . I am pretty new to tig welding so the welds could be much better.



looks impressive! better than I can do with a tig!

Thanks for the compliments!! Judging by the seat of the pants meter, not where it should. It almost seems like it gained power up top. But according to dyno results from other people with aftermarket horns the hp improvements where down low. I still need to dyno it to see if there are any real gains or losses.
Thanks for the compliments!! Judging by the seat of the pants meter, not where it should. It almost seems like it gained power up top. But according to dyno results from other people with aftermarket horns the hp improvements where down low. I still need to dyno it to see if there are any real gains or losses.

Smoother flow and more volume at lower pressure
Looks like the intake onna 1900hp engine I saw in a Diesel Power magazine...good, straight to the point engineering. Good work.
Ooop's, mistake on my part, only 1149hp. March '09 Diesel Power, p74.
thinking about selling these? I'd buy one if the price was right, looks good!!
I am gonna be building another one for my dad and I have some extra material for the flange..but right price, im not sure what that would be at the moment????? got any ideas?? Stainless is not cheap! And the next one I make is going to have a water jetted flange (instead of plasma).
anything cheaper then banks, cfm or ats, i'd say round 180 and shipping if a man could build em for that and make sum money could sale several of them.
That sounds somewhat low considering its 100+ dollars in just parts (getting the flange cut on a H2O jet is ~ $40. A flange). I am going to order some tube today or tomorrow to get started on my dads and I will try to have a more accurate price by Monday…I would suspect it would cost 200-225 ( depending if you want all the extra stuff like nuts,1/8” bungs, bolts, & gasket. Does that price sound reasonable? Im not trying to rip anyone off, nor am I trying to rip myself off.
I know what you mean, the price of aluminum and steel retail has gone out the roof....that's probably why the pot-metal castings are so expensive, they know the costs of fabbing one up with real materials.
I'm thinking about checking with the grocery cart winos on the way to the recyling center.
Both stainless and carbon are at an 18 month low right now...

The hardest part about flanges is that they really should be end milled on at least the mating side to ensure they are flat...and then NOT heat warping them when welding. A run of 100 of those could ge tthe cost down to 5-10 bucks a piece...with another 5-10 bucks to mill them. If anyone ever needs contacts on suppliers for that kinda stuff...let me know...pm me.

What gauge is the tubing?
Not to take away from this guy, but you can get the same thing polished, pick your number of bungs and if its grid heater deleated or not. I got mine for no grid heater, 3 bungs for 245 shipped. Got-Torque is also a member on here. www.eatsoot.com The 200+ plus price is deffinantly good for a product like this. Props to this guy for building his own though. Tim
Its 16 ga. Tubing. Thought about getting it milled but it would be somewhat pointless unless it was milled or surfaced after it was welded. 304 loves to warp( im new to tig so I probably put more heat to it then I should of), I even built a jig to hold it on all 4 corners when I welded it. The corners did flare up a bit but when you tighten the bolts it flattens right down. Im not rich enough to buy the material to run 100 @ once.