Homier "farm pro" 2420 tractor help please


Can You Keep Up?
Feb 15, 2009
the Girlfriends cousin has one of these 3 cylinder diesel tractors for racking there arena, anyways it wont run and not sure why, wont to see if anyone here can help.

it used to run fine and then kinda die off after a few turns around the arena, if he would hurry and pump up the fuel primer it would go again for a few more runs.

the other day it would start fine and run for about 45 seconds then die.

so he thought the lift pump was bad, put a cheap electric "mr gasket" diesel pump feeding the factory Lp. still wont run.

(cracked the fuel lines and it sprays out so it seams to be getting plenty of fuel)

any help?
Sounds like it's sucking air and loosing prime. Check for leaks in the fuel lines would be my first bet
Sounds like it's sucking air and loosing prime. Check for leaks in the fuel lines would be my first bet

I remember looking at the lines & not seeing anything that looked to be a leak, I'll have to check closer on the fuel suction side before the pump & see If there's anything