Houston DHRA **Call and CONFIRM YOUR HOTEL**!!!!

That's cuz you DON'T plan in advance LOL I guess that's what I get for being an old woman. Ha
Hey! At least for this event I attempted to make sleeping arrangements. At TS my plan was sleep where I fell.
My group booked our rooms all the way back in houston and they had not problem with them. However i am going to call and check on them this week. If they fall through i am not going. I figured it would be a big problem. As the poor people that dont have homes need a place to stay worse than i do. And I think it would be ****ty if the motel had to run them out just to keep my reservations. The motels dont know when some of those people are going to leave.
I ditched my room today and I'm staying with Mike at Hotroddiesels.com


Watch out he'll put you to work. I was there last Saturday and Sunday trying to help with his truck, along with buggin him to help me finish my stack. Man I wish I could have taken off this week to help him.
Watch out he'll put you to work. I was there last Saturday and Sunday trying to help with his truck, along with buggin him to help me finish my stack. Man I wish I could have taken off this week to help him.

I'm the only one he hasn't managed to put to work yet! I'll help get trucks on/off the lift, but that's where my labor stops... I'm more of an "idea man"... yeah, that's the ticket! :p
I'm the only one he hasn't managed to put to work yet! I'll help get trucks on/off the lift, but that's where my labor stops... I'm more of an "idea man"... yeah, that's the ticket! :p

Well I have desire, but also arthritis, bad back, old age, etc. so I am not sure sometimes how much help I really am.:hehe:
I appreciate all the help no matter how small.
Looking forward to seeing you Jim. Sorry I was short with you on the phone. I'm very tired.
The truck is coming along nicely.
I appreciate all the help no matter how small.
Looking forward to seeing you Jim. Sorry I was short with you on the phone. I'm very tired.
The truck is coming along nicely.

And I appreciate your help as always. This pic is just for you.:woohoo:

The truck is coming along nicely.

that's a bit of an understatement! :eek:

it went from pretty much a shell to a back-halved monster in no time at all!

I realize there's a lot left to do, but the progress you've made in such a short amount of time is amazing.

When I got back from Pennsylvania, I was pretty much in awe at the transformation! :eek:
Michael...if there's ever anything I can say to help ya out just let me know. LOL
I'm a great talker....but a lazy ass worker. LOL

As far as calling to check on my room...I did.
My Sister said the spare room is there and waiting....she even asked me if I wanted pancakes for breakfast....try that at the Motel 6 :poke: LOL
I appreciate all the help no matter how small.
Looking forward to seeing you Jim. Sorry I was short with you on the phone. I'm very tired.
The truck is coming along nicely.

Mike I have thick Sailor skin, I deal with frustrated people everyday, seems like an hourly event at times putting out fires........you would not even believe the **** we go through during Chief's initiation, makes you tough!
