How do I get the vin locked tnt(I need 4k or more)

good point, even with the mods tho, I see no need to spin that fast, I'm not sled pullin.

ram this, your truck will easily spin higher than 4k, ever hear of downsihft ? :hehe:
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let's put this TNTR story to sleep once and for all.

To help you understand we need to go back in time. The request for higher Rpm's dates back several years. I've started to work on the RPM limiter back in the days when my only test mule was my '99. A few years later I finally found out where the R limiter is and how to modify it. Back then the market
( aka the trucks ) were not really ready to take advantage of the rised R's. Today it's a different story... OK, so now I've spent a lot of time in researching the R limiter, what do I do with it?

Welllll, first of all, raising the R's on a truck that's not build for it is looking for disaster. Having learned the hard way that customers often do not so bright things and then are ready to throw rocks at ya, it was clear that I would not release this software to the general public. Then again, and most important,
how do I keep my competitors out of the rev limiter that I had worked on for so long?

Simple, VIN # lock the software to a single truck and hand it out only to guys that I know are in my camp. This has worked for a long time. I know, doesn't sound good but sometimes one needs to watch out for his work. After all, Smarty brings the food to the table for several families.

Yet, this in turn meant , a lot of work for me since I had to do all R's ( over the years I have done a couple thousand of them ) and also some unhappy people because they were not "allowed" to get this tune. Since I'm at it, let me also set this straight. I have never ever said, implied or advertised that the purchase of any of my products would have lead to the right to get the TNTR! Never ever. The TNTR was/is MY toy for MY people.

Things change over time, they always do...
The idea of the SSR slowly became a reality. Being that the SSR clearly says "race only" if a customer destroys his engine with it I don't have to feel guilty.
Everybody can purchase it, no more unhappy people because they're not allowed to get it. I see only one negative point. Everybody can have it, how long before the competitors will be able to raise the rev limiter?

Oh well, time to move on.

thanks for the update, makes a lot of sense. sitting here waiting for the big brown truck, so far the garbage truck, recycle truck and a public works truck have had me running to look out the window. It has been a blast being in "your camp" and you will continue to get my support and feedback.
Marco,Why cant you have some kind of waver for your customers to sign or read before downloading the "R" tune for their S-06?
I still have A lot of customers with the mods to support the "R" software that have been asking for it and are not quite ready for the SSR.