how do these pumps work?


New member
Jun 3, 2007
i've been searching and searching try to find out how exactly these pumps work and how you change certain things like timing, etc but can't figure out how exactly these pumps work since i have no idea where anything is or what it does... if someone could explain (preferably with pictures :Cheer:) how these pumps work and how they differ from the 160 to 215 pumps and everything in between!! i'll be getting a 12v soon (may have found a nice 160 pump nearby here that i'll be checking out soon, VERY good deal on it too, just gotta find out if its an ext cab) and really wanna try to understand how everything works before i get one so i can start work on it right away!!
thanks guys :bow::bow:
There are hours of good reading in here on the P7100. Virtually everything has been covered on one way or another. It is true, it is not always in one concise quick read, but several threads are close to that. Try another search or two. It's out there.

There are hours of good reading in here on the P7100. Virtually everything has been covered on one way or another. It is true, it is not always in one concise quick read, but several threads are close to that. Try another search or two. It's out there.


thanks, i guess i'm not searching for the right stuff, i found a good guide here:
but it seems like a lot of that is really old and i'm sure that some people have found new ways to tune more power and less smoke out of these pumps
if the guide you are speaking of is the compilation of p7100 topics..thats a good start. i found alot of good tuning in their. but if your interested in the gov assembly id do searches on the topic for more detailed info. as far as timing. unless you have the tools or your a good tinkerer and willing to learn id take it some where. it take my local shop an hour or so to do it like 70 bucks. as far as smoke free power thats pretty easy. all adjustments for smoke and power are all controlled by the afc