How do you leave the line in a 6 speed?


Jan 22, 2007
Fellow Comp D'ers. I have never had my truck on the drag strip but I have launched a few times from a stop light or two. What is the best way to lauch these big honkin' diesels to get the best 1/4 time and not tear the heck out of anything? My truck weights in at just over 8K with all the options.

Do you start in 3rd and slip the clutch out or start in 2nd and jam gears like crazy? I would love to time my truck sometime, but I'm not a least not with a trailer that is.

How do you spool the turbo up with a standard before launch? I need three feet, right?

Ideas? Thanks. JWB
Most people who race while launch in 4 wheel Drive ..I personally have never tried the strip with a 6-Speed ..But I would think depwnding on how low 1 is that you might want to try coming off the line in 2nd??
O good God! 1st is crazy low for a least I'd think so. I was thinking 2 or 3 hole for the launch....but again, that is why I'm asking! I forgot about 4x4. That is a good idea for traction, but with these 285's on dual, I would have a hard time spinning. Do I launch in 4x4 to take some strain off the rear end and risk tearing up the transfer case, or launch in 2x4 and risk dropping a drive shaft???? Decisions...decisions...
4wd high, 2nd gear launch, jam like hell.

I had just an Edge EZ and I clicked off a mid 16 time being extremely abusive to the clutch.

The first 20' I slip the clutch bad, keeping an eye on boost more then anything else.

After that, grab a gear and drop the clutch. Very hard, very fast.. Everyone that rides with me comments on how hard I shift (that is why I asked in the other thread if it was normal or not).

I may break something someday, but that was just proof that it wasn't strong enough to begin with.

If I ever get the dual disk clutch I'm after, then I might not DUMP the clutch like I do now.. I'm just afraid if I go easy on the stocker, it will slip, instead of just dumping it to the ground and trying to get it to hook.
The Transfer Cases in the Dodges seem to be very strong's not very ofter you hear of someone breaking one... The TS truck has never broken one and they do some very hight boost launches, and it is a stock TC. Darrin Morris as far as I know is running a tock TC. And I know there a whole host of pullers that run a stock TC. I think you need to worry more about your clutch than your TC. $.02
We need a comment here from Banshee, he has a pretty fast time rowing through the gears......:poke:
I hope the phat shaft turbo is all that it is cracked up to be as hard as the dang thing barks when jammin' gears after 3rd! WOOSH! WOOSH! I sure hope I don't have to pick schrapnel out of my intake any time soon!

I don't usually treat my truck hard and I take good care of it. I just want to know how to launch and outrun those dang auto-shifters. I can always pull ahead on the highway, but in short runs, by the time I get her a rollin' the party is over!
my best times have been with a 3rd gear 15 pounds of boost launch. but banshee runs 12s with a second gear launch. my dual disk hates to shift fast. i have a southbend, i belive he has a haisly drag dual disk. he has the fasted 6 speed i have heard of. and always 4x4 unless i just want to give them a show.
gunracer1 said:
my best times have been with a 3rd gear 15 pounds of boost launch. but banshee runs 12s with a second gear launch. my dual disk hates to shift fast. i have a southbend, i belive he has a haisly drag dual disk. he has the fasted 6 speed i have heard of. and always 4x4 unless i just want to give them a show.

I see. Sorry to be slow and half retarded, but how do you hold until boost spools to 15 psi? One foot on go pedal, one on the clutch, and one on the brake? That is THREE FEET! What am I missing? I know, I'm retarded.
right heel on the brake, toes on the fuel, put it to the wood on the first yellow and start easing up on the clutch. the problem is getting it all timed right to get a good light. i had one that i was over 40 psi before the green dropped. i smoked all 6 tires for a long way on that one.
Wow. I think I'll have to practive that approach.....dang stick shift...LOL