How Does More Air Affect Timing


I drink diesel
Feb 12, 2016
So right about the time I get my stock timing dialed in, I decided to throw on compounds...figures

Does anyone know how increasing air affects timing if any? Would increasing the cyl pressure call for more/less timing?

Thanks in advance
I would say, don't sweat it.
You're going to have less pressure difference between the fuel pressure in the injector (or rail) and the pressure in cylinder, but it's not much of a change. Swamping between five hole and seven hole injectors would do more to timing since the fuel will have more mass to it.

And timing on these isn't an exact science anyways since there's so many variables. Get the compounds on, see if you like it, and adjust timing if you don't.
Note: I thought you were asking for a ppump setup.

I would think timing would change even less on a CR since the fuel pressure is so high, the percentage change in pressure difference would be next to nothing.