How to detect if already chipped or tuned?


Disturb The Peace
Dec 29, 2006
I have not had my 6.0 very long, it`s night & day compared to my old 97 psd. Last night I had a few ricers & a kid in a fullsize dodge truck "playing" around on my way home, anyway I lined up with the "hemi" dodge for a few passes from a roll & smoked it every time, I would of thought it would have been a much closer race or even the hemi being faster.
How can I detect if my truck already has a tune in it & will it effect anything if I get a SCT Xcal2?
:shake: I think the Dodge just let you win:shake: You know a Diesel is slow and so does he:hehe:
no he was pretty mad when I hit the flashers on him after the third race ricer style:hehe: :hehe:
not answering the question but kinda related. when i first got my truck it only had exhaust and was on 33's. i could outrun my friends '04 dodge 6spd with an edge and on 35's. anytime on the street we went i would pull. raced other gas motor trucks. tundra, chevy, i got them all. i thought it ran pretty good. but then i did that bully dog tri before you buy and WOW! and now that i have my SCT, WOW!!!!:st: just wait, you have more to come.

I want to get one but I don't want my warrenty to get screwed. I heard SCT is pretty much undetected is this true??
pretty much unless a tech has some reason to dig really deep into your computer to look for something like the footprints that it leaves.
i must be really lucky because i had my truck in the dealer for an oil leak, the ICP sensor and HPOP cover, and had my Looney file in for the trans and i got my stuff covered under warranty. the tech said something to me about having a programmer or something and i told him yes. they still didnt give me any problem. i will definately make sure my file is out next time because im going in for reflash, injectors, glow plugs, and turbo.
