Hugh injectors?


New Ride, Poor Wallet :/
Sep 2, 2009
Ok I may be completely retarded on this, but in the smarty settings online and in the book it says timing 4 for hugh aftermarket injectors. What is hugh injectors?
#4 is for when running nitrous, so don't run 4 unless you have that. Large injectors ( probably 100hp+ ) are happy on #3. #1 & #2 are stock timing
Ok I may be completely retarded on this, but in the smarty settings online and in the book it says timing 4 for hugh aftermarket injectors. What is hugh injectors?

sorry i ment timing 3, it says for hugh injectors
Hugh is my middle name, for real... I have my own line of injectors? sweeeeeeet

Haha, it does say "Hugh".
If you're running my personal line of injectors, named after my middle name of Hugh, yes you have to run it on 4, smarty says so!
Well, anyone have any idea other than that? Haha. Maybe i can find out from the bob wagner himself lol
Now that we're translating.. wtf is NOs? There's NOS.. NO2...
I would stick with the old fashioned saying of just plain 'nitrous' I've never heard of NOS. besides the company called N. O. S.
Cleet. With what you're running for air, you don't need "Huge" injectors.
I'd say 150-200 hp + is what I would consider "Huge"

But Marco may consider anything over 90's Huge..
That's funny. My son and I make a lot of fun of my wife. One day her and I were talking and she was saying something was huge. H U G H huge. Lol
Have any of you guys ever talked to Marco? His English is as bad as mine!