Hugh injectors?

Have any of you guys ever talked to Marco? His English is as bad as mine!

Yeah, but he does okay for a German that lives in Italy and speaks both. Plus English...And I think he said other languages too...

But I'm sure he mean't "Huge"... In fact I think he's typed "Hugh" in some of the emails we've exchanged
Oh I know Swole. I was just teasing. He's a trip to talk to for sure.
Hugh is my middle name, for real... I have my own line of injectors? sweeeeeeet

I guess I own this then (First name):D:


Also this, because the ending is amazing:[ame=""][/ame]
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Haha, it does say "Hugh".

where did you find that exact info on timing? is it for the tnt software? I have yet to find a clear cut answer on tnt timing.
Dam.... lol yeah thats crazy. I just didnt know if it is supposed to say HUGE or if HUGH was something different or special