HVLP for painting?


Demolition Expert
Oct 29, 2006
My dad has a campbell hausfeld triple turbine HVLP machine that he wants to use to paint one of my trucks.

Will this machine work for painting a vehicle?

The sticker on the front says 6PSI 65CFM

that seems way different than my 6.5hp compressor thats 80PSI @ 7.5CFM

I guess that's the nature of two completly differnt types of machines.
Well to tell you if you can use that I'd need a little more info. The main thing would be what side is the fluid needle nozzle of the gun you are using and what would the air pressure be going into the spray gun? Those two things are the most critical when spraying because even a 3 or 4psi difference in pressure going into the gun will effect color especially in a metallic color. PM me if I can help you more!
Quality paint gun makes a big difference with modern paint.

I recommend SATA.
I agree..When it comes to spraying..There's Sata...And there's everything else.
I have Sata & Iwata guns both top of the line models the iwata is my choice..