Hx82 info


New member
Jul 19, 2006
Hey I have the possibility to pick up a hx82 and was wondering if some of you guys could tell me what it is exactly. the serial number is H060202870. Thank you in advance
you need to post the assembly and or customer #that is a serial##
if you have the part number too, if it has a cummins part number i can get you the application and maybe the sizing.
It came off a qsk 50 2250 hp this was the small charger feeding a ht100. It has the cast iron compressor housing and a billet wheel and rough measurements are around 4 in 42 cm exhaust housing. I was hopping for some exact measurements. I'll see if I can get the cummins part number tonight if that wasn't enough info. And thank you for looking.
My friend took The compressor housing off and measured the best he could with a ruler( his calipers had a dead battery) and said the small side was right at 4 inches (102mm) and the big side around 5.5 inches (140mm) and it is a 8 blade wheel. Anyone have more info on this thing?
#'s would help there is a few wheel's that size what is the turbine side
G trim if that helps he wasn't able to get the exhaust off and is 1200 miles away so I can't help.
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ok how many blades if the guy can get #'s it would help g trim is a big wheel 4.35 exducer the 4 inch inducer wheel has a couple of tip hieght's and blade profiles it looks like it mite be a good high flow low pressure charger but with out the assembly number i cant tell you. what do you want to do with this!
Ok it's a 13 blade turbine had a 42 cm housing but I'm looking for a 32cm. And he keeps forgetting to get me the assembly # maybe tomorrow.
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That number is no good i think i would stay away from this thing seems like the seller doesnt want to give the info for a reason!!
It's a good friend of mine and he is going to give it to me to get it out of the way. I'll check and make sure I put the right number down.
i would just take it anyways. if its anything like my he851 its a bad mother. the spec on that puppy is like 94mm inducer and 165mm exducer. its an amazing turbo and i have two of them now. both have billet wheels. they are heavy as heck but bad mother f'ers.