I finally made it!

Rottin Rhonda

Aug 6, 2006
RacinDuallie invited me awhile ago, but I've been up to my elbows as usual...:huh:: Anyway, looking forward to meeting everyone and hopefully contributing something useful!
Welcome to Competition Diesel Rhonda! :welcome: Glad to have you here!
Welcome and Congrats on the Diesel Power magazine spread!!! Hope to see ya in Spokane again this year.
Well as long as you finally made it here Rhonda, welcome to the site, I second the congrats on the Diesel Power spread.:rockwoot: :woohoo:
Wow Rhonda is here....she's Famous......Phil and Tim, your stock in this joint is going up by the minute.....LOL Anyways welcome to the site Rhonda....and congrats on your spred in Diesel power.......
Welcome Rhonda. My girl friend has recently started running her S-10 (next truck will be a diesel) in TNT wile I'm racing and is planning to hit some gamblers races later this season. She has been reading my Diesel Power mag's and was very impressed with your article. She loves drag racing and would like to meet you someday. Hope you enjoy the site.

Thanks kids! Seems like a real nice group here. :bigsmile: See ya at the races and dyno events...