I need a 3rd Gen man with courage...

Only for a second and only on one pump. LOL It's not like I smashed the fuse to the dual pump controller with a hammer then drove to Poughkeepsie singing Hanson's MMMBop. :ylsuper:

*** hums Ebony and Ivory ***
Amish E and irony, together in perfect harmony. :doh::hehe:

:hehe: Jebus, man, you need to lay off the Mt. Dew. :hehe: You seem little "wired". LOL Glad you found a problem instead of chasing dragons there Lancelot.
Why yes it has. :woohoo:

I'm amazed how well it ran with the relief puking pressure back to the return. No long cranks, no codes whatsoever. Just a bit low on power and a freaky rattle.

I'm not sure when exactly it happened as I've never used a pressure box combined with software to "stack" pressure.

Alas, it's gone! Thanks for the help, fellas.

Those of you who are down on power with a little rattle should check your relief if you haven't capped it. Never know what you're gonna find. LOL
What if when I unplug the FCA when it is running it doesn't spike, it stayes the same? Then I changed the FCA and tried it again and it still doesn't change, just idles along like normal?????