I shouldn't be left alone to think


New member
Jul 19, 2006
So im bored a work thinking about my truck when an idea pops into my head. Why don't I run triple gt4202's I already have two in my possesion granted one needs to be rebuilt. But I get one more perhaps a 42r run westons spool adapter on the "small" charger and the tial ss exhaust housings on the "big" turbos with my header and it may even spool fast. I post this for two reasons I'm bored and I want to hear what my brothers and sister on comp d think. I know I'm a little out there but I'm hopping some of you guys Can relate LOL.
I do relate! I'm building a header for mine right now, then hopefully putting on an HE551vgt. Thennn maybe an HT4C under it :D
Haha I have a 76.5 on there right now. Just a tad too big to hang something under it LOL I think the 71.5 with something 85 or bigger would be pretty sick. VGT for fast spool to get the big one going.
Haha I have a 76.5 on there right now. Just a tad too big to hang something under it LOL I think the 71.5 with something 85 or bigger would be pretty sick. VGT for fast spool to get the big one going.

Pshhhhhhhh a 100+mm charger would rock under that pig.
Haha well Forrest I broke the last one I got from ya maybe second times the charm?
You give me cash? LOL The 55 is already spoken for how much cash $$ we talkin with no trade. I am a repeat customer after all LOL
I was thinking of trip 66's. would be interesting. Gonna have enough fuel to get those turbos into their efficiency range?
For packaging reasons, we went with a single 106mm charger, but I considered twin 4508's for quite sometime.

IF and that is a big IF we ever run out of air with that single 106mm primary we will be going to twin 91's for a primary like an x275 car.