
Hamilton Cams

Jun 28, 2007
I have recieved a couple of phone calls in the past that people were copying our grinds. It seems that as our grinds gain popularity the more lazy folks feel inclined to copy them.

Rather than feel flattered I just get a little bit upset when I think about the piles of cash I have pissed away on so-so cams before we got some good grinds, and the hundreds of cams I had to install and the thousands of dollars spent on Dyno time. I know it is going to happen, but it still chaps me a bit. The part that gets me to the point I could spit blood is when a "hamilton cam" is sold to an unassuming customer, it breaks, and they call to get a warranty.

People can make a cam look like ours to some extent. To make it a little easier to pick out a fake, we DO NOT do regrinds. Even if the cam is parkerized and is sold as new, look at the nose of the cam, if it has signs a gear has been on and off, you got a fake.

Here is a word from one of the gents in his own words

Renopkr- I used the 98 12v OEM and I havent run it.Im still building parts (porting)We made a master off of a Hamilton. So I assume it will work the same as the rest.

When asked about grinding our cams, here is what he had to say.

Close but not the same, theres a preparatory difference.I know it, you could figure it out But its still close and yet not the same.

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WOW!!!! I knew this would happen soon with as much success as you have had with the new grinds. I will tell you one thing, they will NEVER get the customer service and quality that you and Ryan offer Zack! The best in the buisness BAR NONE!!!!!!
I put him on my do not deal with list. Hopefully others will too.
Keep up the innovation Zach! Be a proud leader...there will always be imitators...
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I really, need to add serial numbers. It is a royal pain in the neck to implement and track product but I really need to.

Yes I have. There are so many things to do, it is hard to keep up. I will talk with the manufacturers and see if they can do this at the factory on the next order. There are also a lot of people selling "110#" springs and other want to be's. I guess I can't stop it. I am going to get a list together of Dealers so that people will know where to get the real deal as well.

Funny story, I had a guy tell me he called LSM and had them make a 181/210 like mine and had the gall to ask me how to degree it in....... He had to figure it out on his own.

Sorry I will get off of my soap box.

serial #'s sound like a very good idea, i hate it when people do chit like this.
You should call this guy out in Smack talk for copying your stuff...let everyone know.
I would have told them to just put it in and leave everythIng really tight torque rockers to 200lbft
I was disturbed to see him use the word "master" like they are planning on continuing to reproduce them and it wasn't just for his build not that doing it for his build is any better . It seems as though people will always try to copy a good thing but they can't duplicate the great quality of your cam or your service.
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Zach Hamilton= R&D research and Development
The Others= R&D. Research and Duplicate
I try to avoid dealers as much as possible. I buy straight from the source if at all possible. I know my HamCam is legit because of this...

And who the hell is this "renopker"??