Industrial VP Rumor???


Fuel her till she Blow!!
Jul 27, 2008
ive read on a few other post about this vp that is supost to flow a ****e ton a fuel!! just wondering what the rumors are and anybody have any info?? i hear of a kid in my area that is going to be testing one but he doesnt like me so he wont give no secrets ya know? it would be cool to see us vp truck jump up there with the p pumpers and cp3s!!!! :thankyou2:
Well Industrial already has a VP pump. The Hot Rod pump has been around for a while now, I havnt heard they were coming out with anything new.
I definitly remember seeing something about a Dragon and Super Dragon Flow VP44 earlier this year. I remember asking someone about it at the Industrial Injection booth at Indy (or was it TS?). I didn't get much of answer though either way......
I think its gonna be Mikes future competition... Industrial is only gonna do what the Monster Pump guy is doing now!, but with a much larger budget....$.02
pump is a real deal. already on a couple of trucks. it will be a big big deal when released to the public. big fuel with a warranty.
Pumps gonna be a mad motha shut yo mouth, Its been in the works for a little while and is gonna REALLY help them VP guys do some serious competition, its like everyday II is coming out with all kinds of products non stop.
yeah, but i would like to know who is buildin it? they probably bought Monster pump out
So what makes this II pump any more "killer" then mikes besides the name and the constant clan of circle jerkers that follow every thread II is mentioned in?
don't hold your breathe, I gave up and converted to a real pump

the vp44 is junk to begin with, and then to try and squeeze more out of it makes it a large paper weight.

not to mention I'll never deal with II again, they couldn't give me a super bad ass vp44 to put on my truck.
From what I have read...the Monster VP is still a rumor also.....

Who ever is saying that needs to get back in the loop. They came, conquered, and now leaving. The monster pumps are almost a thing of the past the way its going now with everyone hating on it. Its here, it makes power, Why its a pile of S*** I dont know. I like mine it workes good for me. I know alot of other people that love their to. I've heard about BD soon releasing their version of Mikes pump, and now i guess II is doing one also. I dont need to wait for II, I already got a good VP.
i heard rumor about this about a year ago too and still havent seen anything