Indy Pics

Bye Now

Apr 22, 2006
Here are a few pics from the weekend. Below is a pic of a visit from "Amish Hannah", U-Haul Mike's Jeep ride for the weekend, Dennis getting his "big ball" from the Stuckey crew for our golf cart, Darren's 1st time on the track, Comp D crew pic & our favorite announcer "TIMMY" :rockwoot: :shake:






Nice Balls dennis. LOL. Sorry I missed it. Hmm, an unknown celbrity in one of the pics. LOL
Thanks for the photo Sheila (and Amish Renee)! Ans thanks again for the loan of the Jeep!

Michael Pliska
"The U-Haul Guy"
Hopefully it's ok to post a few of the group in here:


I think we did ok with winnings this year- $1000 total in cash, $1000 towards injectors and $250 towards a clutch as a group combined.

Too bad I was sitting along the freeway with two blown tires and missed the pic:(

That was a loud BOOM!!!
Nice avatar Joefarmer- I'd say thats taking sunblock to a whole new level!
Nice Shirt nice Hat..He wore that Dang hat all weekend LOL...I was one of the 200 people that ask about the Nachos and Cheese for the hat.
mikehalseyjr said:
No U-Haul this year???
Nope, Dennis and Sheila of TS Performance were kind enough to offer me their Jeep Liberty. We all figured that after the publicity from last year, there was no way the local U-Haul guys would let me get away with it again. The Liberty was different enough that it still got some attention, and the announcers hyped it up enough that everyone in the place seemed to know my reaction times as well as I did. With all that hype (and the fact that I kept pulling to the head of the staging lanes) nobody would pull into the other lane!

Now if only I had paid attention to all the advice from the various TS drivers, I would have been less likely to break out in eliminations!

Michael Pliska
"The U-Haul Guy"
joefarmer said:

You should have had everyone pose so they can get a feeling for WHY there were so many trucks in the group. There are some BIG ole boys in that group:D:D

Make me look little!
duke1n said:
You have some nice toys Brandon
LOL just so the rest of 'em don't get mad- I'm only making payments on the black truck. The rest of them are local buddies who I hang out with. I will say most of them caught the diesel disease from me. The gorgeous semi was sponsored by Hostetler Trucking who drove us in exchange for fuel. Can't say I minded that!

joefarmer said:
LOL just so the rest of 'em don't get mad- I'm only making payments on the black truck. The rest of them are local buddies who I hang out with. I will say most of them caught the diesel disease from me. The gorgeous semi was sponsored by Hostetler Trucking who drove us in exchange for fuel. Can't say I minded that!


Yeah, a chauffeur would have been nice for me too:D My mileage suffered a bit driving home on my Mexi-tires!

Yeah, u just wanted the semi for the "party platform" lol
Gorgous Pete. N all r good lookin trucks. :rockwoot: