Innovative diesel isn't a sponser here huh?


Innovative's service was great for me. When my tunes took longer than expected I gave them a call and they explained that Eric was sick and backed up a little. But being in the service industry I understand situations like illness and vacations.

Big difference betweeen a vacation and getting sick. You usually plan for a vacation and either have someone there to fill your spot, let the customer know you are going out of town and it may be 10 days so it's up to him. Don't just disappear...
Do you thnk posting on multiple sites bashing the guy is gonna get you a faster response ?
Maybe you're lost too many of those MMA fights by choke out ? Brain all fukked up now ?
I'm just sayin.........
LMAO. Sorry man, but that's funny. Careful Rico, you already have a couple that are gonna bust you in the mouth.
Eric is a stand up guy. Like William said, I have gotten tunes well into 2am! I'd be willing to bet everything was ordered online and no one was called. I know when I call the other guy in the office (can't remember his name) has always let me know the time frame. One time I needed tunes Eric had been sick and was back logged and I was told that on the phone. My tunes were still there within 2 days. He wrenches during the day and tunes at night. Doesn't sound too lazy to me...

I'd be willing to bet that Eric has more customers that he tunes than anyone thinks and sorry MMA, I don't think you are #1 on his list, especially now.
That's funny because from all I have heard Eric does not wrench on trucks. He subs all wrenching out to a local shop.
Big difference betweeen a vacation and getting sick. You usually plan for a vacation and either have someone there to fill your spot, let the customer know you are going out of town and it may be 10 days so it's up to him. Don't just disappear...

True, there is a difference. With large companies you probally would have someone there to fill their spot. But remember you are dealing with a smaller company. I am sure they tried to let everyone know that they were going on vacation as best they could in the proper amount of time. Usually you can't please all customers and potential customers by doing this, remember if they are not there they are not making money. So they also rely on common sense and common courtsey and sometimes a little patience.

Maybe being a little older and remebering the days of calling to place an order, waiting 2 to 3 days for the card to clear before the item was even pulled to be shipped, and then the shipping. Helps understanding delays. Society has gotten used to the Walmart's and McDonald's getting what you want when you want. So I guess delays for the younger generation is a big deal.

Manners for this generation also went out the window. I believe that these kids should have been brought up like I was. If I was rude or otherwise I got beat there on the spot. I believe most of the older guys on this sight were brought up the same way.

On a personal note if you were my customer and was doing this to me. You would probally wait till hell froze over then send your moneyback.

I am not defending any one because I do not know the full story. I am just giving my perspective of the information given.

Sorry for any rambling but this thread has hit a nerve. I hate cry babies.
WOW! I have never heard of anybody bashing Eric this hard when he is nowhere to defend himself. I have always had good luck with Eric and his service has always been top notch! Why is your truck inoperable without tuning from Eric? I needed to tow and didn't have my tow tune, so I turned my truck back to stock with no issues. You don't have to have a tune to drive your truck.

With all the bashing, if I was Eric I would promptly say, "sorry, can't help you anymore. Here's your money back and don't contact me anymore."
Check your spam mail, if you have pop up blocker on your computer his tunes will go to spam mail. Thats where my tunes went. Eric is stand up guy and bashing only makes you look like a douchebag !
WOW! I have never heard of anybody bashing Eric this hard when he is nowhere to defend himself. I have always had good luck with Eric and his service has always been top notch! Why is your truck inoperable without tuning from Eric? I needed to tow and didn't have my tow tune, so I turned my truck back to stock with no issues. You don't have to have a tune to drive your truck.


My bet is he can't run the truck stock because he has the new amazing 64mm VGT. Since it is almost exactly like my 64.7mm modded VGT that I had, it was an absolute DOG with a stock tune. Otherwise, there should be no reason his truck would be "down" without the custom tunes from Eric.
I know with 225's my truck was not drivable on a stock tune. Damn thing smoked like a pro mod puller trying to pull away from a light.
Eric was more than helpful every time i've contacted him. He's on vacation and i can understand that. Everyone needs a break every now and then.
I carry a fukking gun for a reason.

So do we in NV, it's for idiots just like yourself that will get your smart mouth into a physical confrontation, then run for a gun...

The rest of you guys are missing the point and must not be in an type of management or own a business. Maybe you can act like that in the modded diesel part world. I will billled 3 days prior to him leaving and heard nothing. A simple email saying" sorry bro, I'll be out of town so there's a chance you may not get your tunes for a week- 10 days...I'll see what I can do. I own a machine shop that makes aerospace and rocket parts, among other things. Our customers sure as hell know when we have a planned event, vacation seminar, you know it. They want either their product or answer. We get PO's and we acknowledge them as well. Not to his defense, soneone may have taken the order and him never seen it. If that's the case I apologise. If not, that's a very poorly run businessbut if it works and customers keep coming back, then more power to him....
So do we in NV, it's for idiots just like yourself that will get your smart mouth into a physical confrontation, then run for a gun...

The rest of you guys are missing the point and must not be in an type of management or own a business. Maybe you can act like that in the modded diesel part world. I will billled 3 days prior to him leaving and heard nothing. A simple email saying" sorry bro, I'll be out of town so there's a chance you may not get your tunes for a week- 10 days...I'll see what I can do. I own a machine shop that makes aerospace and rocket parts, among other things. Our customers sure as hell know when we have a planned event, vacation seminar, you know it. They want either their product or answer. We get PO's and we acknowledge them as well. Not to his defense, soneone may have taken the order and him never seen it. If that's the case I apologise. If not, that's a very poorly run businessbut if it works and customers keep coming back, then more power to him....

If I were this focused on getting something I would call a place and talk to them, in fact, I always do just that. The only time I place an online order for something is when I don't care if something stupid happens, and I don't need it immediately, or care to have it soon.

There was no mention of any of this on the website?

I would probably send your money back to you with a note telling you to tune the damn thing yourself.
So do we in NV, it's for idiots just like yourself that will get your smart mouth into a physical confrontation, then run for a gun...

The rest of you guys are missing the point and must not be in an type of management or own a business. Maybe you can act like that in the modded diesel part world. I will billled 3 days prior to him leaving and heard nothing. A simple email saying" sorry bro, I'll be out of town so there's a chance you may not get your tunes for a week- 10 days...I'll see what I can do. I own a machine shop that makes aerospace and rocket parts, among other things. Our customers sure as hell know when we have a planned event, vacation seminar, you know it. They want either their product or answer. We get PO's and we acknowledge them as well. Not to his defense, soneone may have taken the order and him never seen it. If that's the case I apologise. If not, that's a very poorly run businessbut if it works and customers keep coming back, then more power to him....

Again, did you order online, or did you call Eric or someone there directly?