Install Fass - EDGE Screwed up


New member
Mar 5, 2012
Morning Gents...

Put my new fass 150 on last night. As i'm driving down the road my edge starts yellin at me saying "trans temp". And also, does anyone know if it gets a fuel pressure reading anywhere other than the sensor that would go into the banjo bolt that goes into the VP? I had to remove the banjo bolt to put the new fuel line in and its reading 33lbs. When I run it hard on take off and put the engine under load, it starts yelling at me about fuel pressure being too low (5psi).

I'm pretty confused by both of these issues. Don't know if its my Edge screwing up or what's goin on.

Any incite is appreciated.
The only place I'm aware of it getting fuel pressure is the adapter on the IP inlet. If that has been removed, it shouldn't be reading anything unless you capped the end of the sensor and it get a little pressure just from the air heating up in the cap and expanding but it shouldn't amount to much. If you don't want it giving you a warning, I believe you can just lower the limit to 0 and it will shut up...not sure....not sure why you wouldn't want to put it back on so you can have the reading.

I would check you warning limit on the tranny temp in the edge. Maybe the setting got bumped way down by a glitch and it is actually within normal limits?
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I am going to hook the fuel sensor back up. I didnt have any way to hook up my fuel line and the sensor so i'll need to get a JIC Tee with a pipe thread on one end to be able to make it work.

I switched my limit to max(300) and it did quit. Just wasnt sure why on earth it was throwing that up when i dont have a sensor for it. Only thing i dont know is if without the fuel sensor being plugged in, maybe it's not getting a ground it's needing?
Get the little sensor for it. It can't be very much. Just take a PTO cover off, drill a hole, screw it on, and put the cover back. You just have to replace your fluid is all.
Thought about doing that at some point. Wouldnt be a bad thing to have anyway haha
the banjo bolt you got will work. drill it out from the backside and tap it 1/8 pipe and screw yer sensor back tee needed.

if you weld a little nipple on yer pan and then drill thru it you could if you got a magnet..never even pull the pan...but its risky.for your trans temp
Banjo bolt wont work. I think i may do something like this. Only make it a little less C-F'd.....its a hose fitting like this also...

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I put a T in mine, it's been fine for 6 or 7 years now.

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