Installed Dragon Fire...

I was goin to try the 200's but everyone I talk to says that I will hurt the pump running them. The fella I got the pump from said that he ran the exact same injector when he first got the pump, than went bigger like DDP comps shortly after. I have been researching alot here lately, I want to stay with Dynomite cause I love the way my 200's run.
I was goin to try the 200's but everyone I talk to says that I will hurt the pump running them. The fella I got the pump from said that he ran the exact same injector when he first got the pump, than went bigger like DDP comps shortly after. I have been researching alot here lately, I want to stay with Dynomite cause I love the way my 200's run.

HOW? is it such a fragile POS that an off the shelf injector can "hurt" it?
Yes re re! If you run to small of an injector it will hydrolock the pump, same way with the stage 3 monster pumps!
I'm not saying they will or won't. But when the Manufactor of the pump says that you shouldn't run anything smaller than a 6x15 what does a guy do? That's why I come here to get info from guys that have a little more experience and knowledge of these things. I am going to be putting the 200's back in cause I'm just tryin the ones I got now for a week or so.
I called DDP today and will find out what they can do for me for injectors. I really liked the way the 200's ran in my truck. Kman9090 didn't you say you ran DDP Comps? how did they run with the pump.
They ran alright but i dont know if i would run the 200's very long i hydro locked a pump running those 6x16's cause they werent big enough, but it was not the dragonfire
II now claims that .093 lines and tubes are needed and a minimum of a 6x.018 injector (250hp) is needed.

even tho a 6x.018 isnt a 250
I run stock lines, big tubes and 6X.016. Seems to do great! 7-8k miles now! No problems KNOCK ON WOOD!
what happened to all this great stuff about stock lines and tubes and blah blah blah
That is what I was wondering, They said you could run it with stock lines and stuff, but now you can't. I haven't heard about anyone locking the pumps up or blowing seals out on them.
when they first came out they said you didnt HAVE to have them, but after a few months they say they are a MUST....seems likes someone is just trying to make some more money......i ran that pump with .093 tubes, stock lines, and ddp 200's and it ran really well. the ddp comps 250's did wake the pump up a little bit though.
personnaly i would run at least a 6x16 with this pump!

Whats the point of getting a pump that can support and supply enough fuel to a 6x20 injector, and your running a 200hp injector? An SO pump cam supposrt them.

Im just curious, i got the pump because i was air lockin my lighting with the big injectors i was using, now i do not have that problem and im running much bigger injector's and i really can tell the difference.

But if your running an edge juice, and 200hp injectors and decide to get this pump your just waisting money, until you get to the point where an SO pump cannot support no more fuel, thats when you need a dragonfire.

I think the main reason Industrial is saying you need at least a 6x18 is because they have been getting calls from guys running 150hp injectors and an edge juice and they are thinking that adding this pump it going to give them so much more fuel and it dont.
Wasn't planning on running the 200's forever with the pump, but wanted to run them till I got them sold and firgured out what exactly I wanted to upgrade to. I am planning on selling my Quad ADR and maybe getting something different as far as box goes.
Usualy when you hydolock a pump they are done. You may have drained the rotor