intercooler delete??

I agree, i think your water pump is bad. Since ive mounted a cac in front of the rad. it didnt affect the coolant temps at all, i hoped it would to allow the engine to ever warm up. I also wonder if a HG could be the issue? Hope not, but.. its wierd im having soo much egt issues and this rad. keeps the coolant temps crazy cool, i cant get it over 150* i even turned off the fan and water pump at the track sat. and it finally got to that 150* i mentained, other wise 140* or so is it. Replace your water pump first and maybe have a rad. shop test your rad. core for being plugged up? Good luck
we definitely need to see some pics of this. I'm doin the same thing to my '95 Chevy K2500, would love to see what it looks like in a NBS..
okay guys, my water pump is def not the issue, it circulates fine. i took my cap off my expansion tank today and it just blows the water rite out of it(i been using water since i dont wana waste money on coolant seeing how it just ends up on the ground anyways at the time being) anyways, i found that since the fins on the intercooler are larger than on the radiator, it blows air through it and than just comes back out the fins the fans dont cover, so what i did was took some insulation and put it around between the intercooler and the radiator, than put some to cover up the gaps where the fans dont cover. with all that done, i took er out and ran it hard, the temps climed but not as fast and come right back down when the fans kick on and ya let it sit. so i think the main problem is i just need to put the fans on the other side where the radiators at so it sucks air in instead of blows air through. now i just have to figure out how the hell im going to fit fans behind the radiator! i have like 1inch of clearance from where the clutch fan screws on. so if anyone has ideas im pretty sure im screwed until i get something figured out.
oh yeh, and i will try getting pics of this thing on here soon, hopfully this weekend. i have kind of been forgetting about pictures because i just plain out have been workin on the damn thing tryin to make it run right. but i'll get pics up!

My cummins is in a 91 Ford

I run no fan at all even in the summer pulling and temps never get too "warm"

Are ya sure your t-stat is working? Belt isnt on the wrong way (been there on a differeent motor) Blades arent wore out on the waterpump. rad doesnt need flushed?

try runnin the heater full blast when its hot n see if that pulls the temps down quicker - if so suspect the rad itself

pull the centre outa the t-stat and try it (you need the outer piece to place some restriction in the system)- maybe it isnt openin all the way like it should

run it wihtout the rad cap and look for bubbles

is your rad cap in good shape 12-15 psi?

If you blew the lower hose off with no t-stat I would say u got a blown headgasket - which will absolutely give u temp issues
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I also never had an over heating issue with my 96 12valve into my GMC and I was running the same fueling/turbo setup when I was running it on the street. I was running a DMAX intercooler with the 6.5L rad (fits right between the pipes on the IC with a few mods).

I also wonder if you have a blown head gasket as I never had a problem with mine....

okay, heres what i guess im going to do. im replacing the water pump this weekend. if it still goes on, checking the radiator. if that still dont fix it, im getting fans i know are the right ones. than i'll tear the thing down if it still has problems. When i run it, i can run it about 4-5 miles real hard than i have to stop because it gets in the red on the gauge. i let it sit for say 15ish mins and she cools back down(with the engine running, fans on). it could be a blown gasket but i hope not. if it is, i guess my next threads going to be askin whats good for a medium built 12 valve about 700hp. thanks guys for all your help, keep the ideas comming!
duramaxcummins, the part number of the rad. you ask about is, 80103N made by AFCO. It is basicly 20" tall and 26" wide including the tanks wich are on the side, the filler is on the top pass. side as well. It is all alum. construction and looks really nice, cost at Smileys where i bought mine was 189.95. Its unreal how good of a job it does cooling mine... but mine doesnt see street duty or surly not towing, but still it has ran an awful lot and cant get over 150* or so even with the only elect. cooling fan turned off. ?? Later Ryan
Water shouldn't be blowing out of the cap when the motor is running. Mine doesn't at least.
blown headgasket - no doubt about it - but hey, one has to try all the other avenues cuz the ol headgasket is a lot of work

Sure sounds like the hg is blown between a coolant passage and a cylinder or two. This would explain the exc. pressure and temp. for sure.....
good luck.