Inventory Reduction

PM me a price to clean, test, balance a set of 24v set of injectors please and also a price on a set of 7 x 0.011" micro blind injectors for 24v with core returns.
I'll take a set of the injectors for sure. still undecided on the dv's. if you like, send me paypal info and i'll sent the cash for the injectors, and you could hold them until I decide on the dv's?? By the way....Are the in jectors balanced
12 valve
1 set 5x0.014" 145° Micro-blind - $550 shipped
1 set 5x0.016" 145° Micro-blind - $650 shipped
2 sets 100cc 7mm delivery valves - $175 shipped
12 valve
1 set 5x0.014" 145° Micro-blind - $550 shipped with cores