is this a cat or resonator?

hack it off with a hack saw and post a picture of the inside, then we will know if its a cat or a resonator.........
Whoa whoa whoa. Watch it bud. Can't you see we are trying to be azzholes here? What's with this helpful information bullschit??

Now that's some funny chit.

oh my hell that was funny. LOLLOLLOL

Thanks, thought I fired a dud.

Lets go ahead and derail this tools thread...

I drove through your area in May, loved it. Didn't appreciate Idaho quite so much until I moved away from it. Global warming was kickin ass a little way south east of there too. HWY 30 into WY.

Phuckin global warming man! It hit us here too we still have snow at 6k feet
Saw snow over almost a 1000 mile area. From central Idaho through central/eastern Wyoming there was snow above 4500 or so.

At the end of May.

Sure am glad the new trucks have 300 pound exhaust systems so global warming doesn't get any worse than it is.