Is this true?

Moderation! on the new 2cycle...

But pushing used oil with contaminents still in it through an injector at lower psi ov mechanical pumps vs 30,000 psi in a CR could make a difference in how much "Wear" the parts / tips get...Right??
if I had a penny for every "top diesel tech" or "guy who works at Cummins" who didn't know their ass from a hole in the ground, I'd be a millionaire.

Sadly, that's the way it is in every automotive interest group, not just the diesel crowd. They're usually the ones offering advice too.
Since we're discussion adding 2 stroke oil and waste motor oil...

2 stroke oil is ashless. Typical waste motor oil is not. Anyone ever pull the head on a motor running WMO and find a bunch of ash/deposits forming? If deposits are there, is there any known problem with having the deposits there?

I know in other engines (gasoline) they strictly forbid running oils that aren't ashless due to concerns about detonation, I'm not real sure what (if any) concerns there would be in a diesel app.
never said anything about tolerances?

he was probably talking about the cp3 common rails.....they are a whole different animal.

It's the same area of failure, if the clearance of a moving part is lost, it will hang/gall, no matter if it is mechanical or electronic, or what pressure the system operates at.

Why would you spend thousands of dollars on performance parts, to save a few dollars running filtered waste motor oil? Do everyone a favor, and just recycle it, then go buy some Stanadyne.
i like wmo in my camp fires......unfiltered too!
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Why would you spend thousands of dollars on performance parts, to save a few dollars running filtered waste motor oil? Do everyone a favor, and just recycle it, then go buy some Stanadyne.

I wondered the same thing.
if somebody had access to alot of waste oil it would envoke the thought process
whats the issue with centerfuge?? I know lots of people who run wmo, and a few of them dont even centerfuge it, they just run it through a 2mic filter
I ran up to 80% WMO off and on over a range of 50K miles in my '04 doodge before the injectors made problems. The problems were not wear related but were from carbon on the tips from incomplete combustion when the engine was cold. New tips fixed the problem. Proper filtration is key, preheated oil would also be a very good idea. I even dynoed once with 70/30 wmo/diesel mix, 574rwhp compared to 572rwhp a few months later on 100% diesel.
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Still can not believe people do this....:badidea:

The WMO I used was directly out of the engine I was servicing into a clean container then to my fuel tank via a pump/filter arrangement...never out of a random catch pan! I also filtered it before the LP with a 10 micron fuel filter and after the LP with a 3 micron fuel filter.
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Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding.

Old man pulling a Camper, has truck troubles takes it to the Dealer, they are going to rip him off with a repair or a trade!

Run the Oil!

haha yeah for real...oh im def still running it, thanks guys for the responses :clap:
Yes I forgot to mention that he does run his oil through 2 filters before dumping it in his tank.
I run up to 50% wmo in my truck. All I do is run it thru 3 filters the last being 1 micron. Haven't had any problems for the past 4ok miles. It works for me so far. I just wont be one to cry if there are any failures related to it. I know the risk and am willing to find out if its true.