Ive been busy


the Fat kid!
Apr 23, 2006
working on new puller, moving hitch in and cleaning on it, heres a few pics


wire wheeled and painted frame


installed water temp gauge



acid bathed rims

More work to do tomorrow to hook Saturday!
Looking good! Whats the measurement from the centerline of the axle to the hitch?
Looks good, just about a twin to mine but black stack and same wheels powdercoated black
Looking good house. Where are you hooking at on Saturday?
Also, Acid bathed rims??? Please enlighten me on theis process. My rims are the same as yours and mine have began to like like Sh!t. Yours cleaned up really good.
Very nice Joe! The acid he used is for cleaning aluminum. It basically removes the oxidation from the top layer. Becareful though because if you leave it on too long or use the wrong mix it can burn the wheels causing black stains. If you go to a blue beacon they can acid wash them for you.
Very nice Joe! The acid he used is for cleaning aluminum. It basically removes the oxidation from the top layer. Becareful though because if you leave it on too long or use the wrong mix it can burn the wheels causing black stains. If you go to a blue beacon they can acid wash them for you.

yeah, my friend brings some stuff home from his work for that. spray it on, scrub with a brush, rinse off. always worked great on our wheels.

after acid wash do you clearcoat it, or polish and put a coat of wax on it?
After some time your wheels will turn white, because the acid eats the clear coat. I suggest to polish them soon.
You don't acid bath wheels that have clear coat. Acid bath the polished wheels.