I've been parolled!


Politically Un-Correct
Aug 4, 2007
I have bribed the guards almost in full [don't get alarmed, only a joke] and time is nearing to leave this joint!

Though I can't compete with other fella's [& ladies]for time spent away from home, however I can say this deployment has been unusually difficult. This is/was #5 in 4 years... This one will prove to be the longest thus far. :kick:

Looking forward to driving to Bandimere and meeting some new faces!
I have bribed the guards almost in full [don't get alarmed, only a joke] and time is nearing to leave this joint!

Though I can't compete with other fella's [& ladies]for time spent away from home, however I can say this deployment has been unusually difficult. This is/was #5 in 4 years... This one will prove to be the longest thus far. :kick:

Looking forward to driving to Bandimere and meeting some new faces!

Thanks for all you do.....:cheer::cheer:
:thankyou2: to all.

Will see anybody and everybody @ Bandimere!
5 in 4 years, what a pain in the ass! So when you come home this time are you going to stay........pull chocks in Navy terms?

That would be....

5 in 4 years, what a pain in the ass! So when you come home this time are you going to stay........pull chocks in Navy terms?


Nope. Just re-enlisted back in April, one day prior to my 10 yr. mark. (joke>> sold my soul for another 5 + yrs and 5 tax-exempt figures, $$$$$)

Honestly, needed the money to erase debt. A short term overseas move and buying a house on the return do not come with out costs that 'Sam and the VA home loan just don't cover. :kick: :bang

5 figures would have equiped my truck with the tremendous wish list I have in short order and still have funds left over... :drool:

Thanks for the support, fella's!
I hear you, I'm at 16 now and on shore duty...the good life! I wonder how long it will be before they pull me out for an I.A. I should finish here and retire, don't figure I'll pickup Senior Chief without going back to the boat and I'm not sure if I want to go back as a 46 year old....too old for this Sh** stuff!

Hope you get to make it to Denver, there will be alot of stuff there.

don't figure I'll pickup Senior Chief without going back to the boat and I'm not sure if I want to go back as a 46 year old....too old for this Sh** stuff!

Hope you get to make it to Denver, there will be alot of stuff there.


Could make a comment on AF Sr NCO rank advancement but that would be wrong thread & :wrong:

I know exactly how you feel about the T.O.F.T.S. ......... I am nearing 33 and most all [officer and enlisted] the people I work with are 5-10 years younger than me and polar opposite of my personality... damn video gamers and techno music ........:bang :wrong:

Barring any unforseen problems, you can expect to see me there. I am having a t-shirt made and will post a picture of it as my avatar for anyone to recognise as who is wearing it.
It's been a long time coming....


This will most likely be my last chance @ any posting/email til I reach a hotel along the way back. I work tonight, tomorrow, and move out of this room {a.k.a. 12' x 16' closet with a room-mate/co-worker} on Thursday losing Internet @ same time. Will have to work Friday and after which my sole focus is all about getting the _________________________ out of here.

You can send replies to this, just know they may not be seen until long after I reach the house [hopefully] next week. The next 7-12 days are with any hope going to be blur of my memory. [mass qty. beer & hard-alcohol @ hotel; although mass qty. is gonna hurt after being with out for 5 + months :kick: :doh: ]

:thankyou2: for all the support

Still waiting...

Still waiting on my ride to show up.

Damn C-130's; What more can I say.... :banghead: