Jags Midwest diesel power challenge - June 26 and 27th @ BIR


Active member
Aug 10, 2006
Well folks. The first attempt at a midwest big event is here! From the guys fingers that's putting on the show

Alright. We have it finalized. The weekend will be( sorry Tom) June 26 and 27th.
Friday will be open to test and tune for those interested. Sat will be the drag race and burnout contest. Drag race classes will be the same as nhrda. Sunday will be the truck pull competion. BIR is letting me put a pulling track on grounds. Classes will be work stock. Super street 2.6 super street 2.8 and a 3.0 class. Specific rules will be coming soon for each class. We are going to try something new and give all pullers 1-2 qualifing pulls. The main reason for this is to give you guys more hooks for your money. There will also be a dyno challenge going on both Sat and Sun.

On Saturday we will be sharing the track with an import group. We will run qualifing Sat moring for all classes. You will get three hits at this time. Then the imports will take the track for about an hour to do some tuning and we will get right into eliminations. Between rounds the improts will make a few hits giving those who might need to cool down, make some changes, or fix their truck some time. After semi finals and before the finals the track will be open for a grudge match session were you can pick out anyone and go have it out on the track. the imports are even up for it. So we can see some import vs. diesel runs.

Once again please everyone be on there best behavior. It will be nice to see this grow into a national even in the near future, but we have to be able to be invided back to the track. Thanks and for all those on other forums please start spreading the word.

Thanks and hope to see all those who can make it. Thanks for supporting the sprot.
Mark your calendars!
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Sounds like a potentially fun weekend... pardon my ignorance, but where is BIR?
Well the date got changed due to a scheduling ERROR.

New date June 26th and 27th. The schedule is done know for the year so NO MORE MOVING IT AROUND. Its supposed to be posted on BIR's web-site after new years.

I appologive for any inconvenience this might have caused.

That is straight from the Jags. So who is planning on going
we have a nhrda event in medicine hat that weekend, so you won't get many north of the border, sorry, if it was on another date we would have tryed to make it
Bump to the top

Date's have changed folks.. I've ask the monkeys that run this site to correct the title.
dang it hope I cna go...truck wont be running but what ever ford i have will be LOL either a 300/6 or a 460