Jit scam artist

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Yes as it stands he has the pump I sold. I have the money for the pump I sold and have the core pump he sent me. Probably tear it down to check out a pump once and save in case I or someone wants a core to send in instead of a good pump.

I would think a person with good morals would offer to send the pump back on his dime. You got the money for the pump you sold.
I was instructed by the police and PayPal not to have any direct contact with buyer at this time as they further their own investigation. Plus I highly doubt he wants to spend money a 2nd time on a pump he obviously sees no value in.
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Either way, I want to know what's going to happen to JIT. I don't want to buy and sell parts with a known bad buyer on the forum.

I sold something to him a couple weeks ago and had no issues whatsoever. Prompt payment and good communication
I would think a person with good morals would offer to send the pump back on his dime. You got the money for the pump you sold.

I would also think a person with good morals would send back the correct pump when asking for a refund, no? ... that's what this guy gets... if he can dish it out, he can take it as well. This is justice in my book...

All the back and forth with him, paypal and the police.. him keeping the pump is well justified.
This is a "Buyer Beware" Classified section. We cannot monitor all the Ad's that are on here we have a good group that are on top of things as much as they can be, but we can't stop any transactions, or put classify who is or isn't a good or bad seller.

I've followed this whole ordeal and hate that it came to this for both parties. Would I send the pump back? I'm not sure, is it a good Moran thing to do, yes.

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