Joining the cool kids

Looks good man! :Cheer: Sucks bout' the converter. U think there's any chance it's the tranny slipping with the new-found power?
Looks good man! :Cheer: Sucks bout' the converter. U think there's any chance it's the tranny slipping with the new-found power?

The trans was a fresh rebuild by a reputable builder. Since it has no movement in any gear it seems more likely that the converter is toast
I'd check for line pressure. Vb may have come loose from case or something along those lines
Zero line pressure. Valve body is tight. Pump could possibly be tits up, but I t was slipping intermittently before it completely have up.
Well I dissected my trans. It was ugly inside. All my components were there so the builder didn't short me. Starting front the front, the pump, gasket and housing was fine. The direct drum clutches and steels were completely toast. Forward clutches, completely toast, OD lock clutches, toast. Intermediate shaft support/OD piston support, bushing was non existent, support ha started to weld to the shaft. Haven't cracked the OD clutch set yet. So far all the air pressure tests have been good. Looks like my valve body may have been the culprit. I'm sending it to suncoast ASAP to be checked. I also ordered a complete rebuild kit with Alto red clutches and kolene steels. The only visual defect I've seen in the valve body so far was this dented plate where the OD check ball goes.