Just got an leftover 06

BFD99 said:
Jerzey just go with SCT!!!!!! LOL
believe me I wanna go SCT all the way, but I would like some type of control module in the car or a display which I why I liked the 6 gun as its either to change modes, and I like the livewire as it has the in cab display, but I know they have no tunes for it yet... Uh im lost lol:redx:
DirtyJerzey said:
believe me I wanna go SCT all the way, but I would like some type of control module in the car or a display which I why I liked the 6 gun as its either to change modes, and I like the livewire as it has the in cab display, but I know they have no tunes for it yet... Uh im lost lol:redx:

lol you can get the same tunes from any xcal-2 "sct" on the live wire so that means you can run tunes from any sct dealer/vendor:woohoo: