kokomo, IN m-n-g


Clown Puncher
Sep 8, 2006
anybody up for a meet and greet at bw3 on the 25th of jan.

good, i dont know what the weather is going to be like, i do my reserves up there and figured a winter get together would be a way to break up the winter blues.
**** im there every weekend anyways
whenever ill bring a crew with me as well..
i should be ther between 6-630. ill be wearing my II phat shaft t shirt and a cummins hat.
ill be wearing the mullet seen in my avator...maybe
if not ill find you
sitting in the bar or resteraunt part??
Physically Roy if mentally me and you would never get in
ha ha ha. Yeah, feeling old at 31. Heck it doesnt matter where we have it if not everybody is 21. texas road house would be good also. I have to drive an hour it get a good steak around here, well amatter of fact i have to drive an hour to get to a waffle house also (long mornings when out drining)
texas roadhouse on a friday night is PACKED!!!!!well i know everyone who has responded in this thread is 21 because i have met them all, except for you Jeremie, so bdubs is fine with me, other than my $6.50/drink :(
I should be able to make it. I would be down for 7 or so at the Hugger?? Thats when the 3 shifters start....
ha ha, ahhh the hugger aka church for the married guys. they have the better looking girls but big daddys has better crowd participation usulally.

im up for either after eating
hugger rocks unless its packed, big daddy is ok can be rather dark in there at times
well i don't get off work till 5:30 and still need to go to the house ,,,maybe there @ 7:30 or so ,,, all be the guy with the seeing eye dog so he can drive home ,,,hey roy if its bad weather all drive the 06 dodge
is there a hoooters,, bobbie holder place ,,nothing like watching a little T&A when i'm eaten my hamburger ,,,,hell if my burger gets cold i could just ask her to warm it up:hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: :hehe: