Lets help Big Swole

I got an 05 bare block I can send if the shipping is payed for.

Thank you very much, but my block actually honed out nicely! So I should be good there!

Thank you for the offer though. Really!


As far as the Pay pal deal...I don't have an account (don't really do much online, nor do I trust it..lol) and I don't think Jeff does either.

Call Jeff at 404-557-4972 if you want to contact him to see.
Jeff said he would take a creditcard number and bill whatever you wanted to give to the card.
Wow! This is too much guys!

Thank you georgboy for the thought on this! As we discussed I truly don't feel worthy of any more help than the next guy....But I appreciate this None the Less!!! Your awesome!

For the record you guys, I KNOW times are tough for everyone and I do Not want people feeling pressure to help on this deal....My luck has sucked but I know that I chose to do it and have to pay the price......For what its worth, I feel truly Blessed and Greatful to have folks like you guys as friends (esp. since most of you haven't even met me)!!

PLEASE don't feel like you have to send money!!!!!

But if you do, Please send it to Jeff Garmon.....I do NOT want to have position of it for reason's that hopefully most will understand. I need this to be run by him and to help ease the pain on what he has spent on me (all three times).

The last thing I want is for Anyone to think that I'm a mooch, so please know that I appreciate each and everyone of you guys!! Even if it was just a post in my thread showing your simpathy!

I hope this comes across the way I mean for it too. Nothing but True / Honest Graditude!!

God Bless!!

David Elrod

Swole I'll spot you 20- Canadian! Our dollar is stronger can you believe it/
See you at TS
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