Lets see what this pile can do

How long did it take this time to light the charger fully?
Whelp I'm a retard, after looking at Weston's afc thresh the 160 gsk spring I have takes 85 psi to do full rack travel. It would explain why it was so clean once I was going down the track. Pretty sure the only rack travel I had was from the spring being to short LOL.

What spring are you going to? I'm running a 180gsk spring, and it's not enough. I have to have the starwheel at about halfway in the viewing port to keep fuel under control. I think it's cutting about 1/4in travel from the rack, maybe more. I'm gonna loosen it back up all the way and see what that does for me. I didn't even think about it until after I starting trying to fix these FP issues.