Lincoln County Fair, Fayettville, TN Sept 18

Just got confirmatiion that Diesel World Magazine will be there to shoot for the magazine.
i'd like to make it also done made plan's to go pull on the 19th, wish had a way to pull both of them
you can pull at Bardwell, Ky on Sept 19th pulls start at 7pm. Trying to get as many trucks there as possible.
The only things MidTenn stresses is a kill switch and a helmet most of the time. If you you drive your truck on the road they usually let you by without having to have everything. I know what you mean bout not wantin to pull beforeanother pull. There is a another pull the weekend before ours in the neck county over but theres bout 4 of us that don't want to break before our home town pull so we are skippin out on that one.
Lookin at the rules, doesn't look like I can pull

You can pull, just gotta go down to a tow tune. No 275's.

And y'all can crash with us if you don't wanna make the drive home. I'm probably takin the camper down.
Guys and gals, the stock class is now a 2.5 class, no drugs, no hanging weights, and no blocked suspension. 6.4 trucks can run with stock turbos. That should open the class to a lot of people.
WHo's coming? I talked with Diesel WOrld Magazine yesterday and they are shooting the pull but will also be looking for some feature trucks for the magazine.
I meant to ask Chris yesterday if he was shooting it. Him and his son will most likely be there.
WHo's coming? I talked with Diesel WOrld Magazine yesterday and they are shooting the pull but will also be looking for some feature trucks for the magazine.

i am gonna be there but the :rules:wont allow me to pull though
Chris is meeting me on Friday at the house to finish shooting my truck, and then ridng up too the fair from here. I would get there early.
Chris is meeting me on Friday at the house to finish shooting my truck, and then ridng up too the fair from here. I would get there early.

how early is early deere is pretty busy right now but i might try to sneek out:evil:evil