line pressure readings

Id like to know this also.
Since I have done my manual to auto conversion, my trans does the same thing. Come to a stop sign and if I dont come to a complete stop, it stays in 2nd.
Probably has something to do with the TV/kickdown cable.

Thats the other reason i built the arm. Yes, you can set the arm a little agressive to manipulate a earlier down shift. Little like a (allison).
Update, tranny makes great pressure in 3rd and 4th, around 210 psi. But won't build more than 120 psi in 1st or 2nd no matter how much throttle is given. I've pulled the accumulator out to check for leaks and it seems in great shape. The search continues....
Man, drive the damn thing down to Garmon already, he'll probably get it straightened out while you wait.
I know I know, but I like to tinker and learn and SAVE money! I'm done driving it unless I find the problem, so for now I'm just going to be out time and sanity. Maybe if I take enough apart I can figure out how one of these things actually work!
There's a reason I spent as much as I did on labor when I had mine done. Good luck with your search. Its been interesting to follow along.
don't give up ha ha, are you guys changing the linkage at the pump? I would like to see how ya did it.
Its actually a modified lever at the transmission. Brad has some pictures on here somewhere, I just don't remember which thread they are in.