Live Video From TS Outlaws

yeah, I started to watch a bit with my laptop and then it went blank (off air).....Then I got a call I had to back infront of the house trying to see if it'll come up again....
Looked like Morrison was having issues before the big white poof at the 330....

The Banks truck just flat hauled the mail- awesome display !!:clap:

I wish we had Timmay announcing so's we could enjoy hearing the times....:poke:
So I really wish i was there, but at least i can watch it live. freakin awesome :D but i wish timmy could be heard :)
Few things for next year or at another event.

Obvious: audio :)

Camera at the finish line with sights on the boards. video is neat, but who won? what did they run? :)
I think Timmay was tooo bowed up from the night before.... he didn't do a lot of announcing LOL ???

Scheid's dragster was the high light I believe. 7.1 @ 169 mph IIRC. Made 2 passes with a 19yrs driven

Darren had some trouble and had to pull out. Electrical I believe ( air shut off )

Stuckey didn't do the greatest run but, it seemed they weren't trying to hard

The Jeff Garmon made nice pass at 10.8, not sure of the mph

The Banks truck made only one run... that I saw. 7. something... sweet truck !!

Very cool day at the track to say the least. Now, it's time to shower and be off to the pulls !!
Well, let's was all a little last minute, but Phil managed to FINALLY get to the tower and hook up. I think his tardiness was an effect of the "night before". Something about alcohol, riding cows and breaking their.....well they can elaborate. As far as audio, we planned on pulling a loop from our FM broadcast which would've had some HILARIOUS calling by Tim and Smokin' Joe, but we couldn't pull it off at the last minute. It was what it was, but It'll be tightened up next year.

Tim riding the mechanical "cow" as it was called and how he hurt himself.... Freaking hilarious hearing about it! LOL
Dang I hate I had to miss it. It sounds like I could have been the fastest Ford there. Oh well there is always next year.
Can we find the video anywhere? It would be cool to see for us and the competitors looking back afterwards. Thanks!