Logging and Dashboard Issues...Help Please


New member
Aug 18, 2011
I bought a V2. I downloaded v8 efi live software. The V2 can detect and connect and tune my ECM. I updated the firmware on the V2.

I tried to open an old log and the dashboard on the scan function and it shows a gasser dashboard. Someone told me I couldn't log with v8 so I downloaded v7.5.

Now I get an error message that says I need to update my software to v8. It's like the who's on first skit....lol

Does anyone know how I can log and view old logs on v8 or how to convert the dashboard from a gasser dashboard to a diesel one?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Jeff
As far as I know, we are still having to use 7.5 for scanning and tuning. I use 8 to read and flash files. On the dashboard, it automatically loads a generic cluster or graph. You need to edit it, or start from scratch. I've only messed with the graphs on the dashboard so far. You right click, select properties. Then you can select what 4 pids you want to be on the graph, the range, color, etc.