Long Idling - Warning


Jan 23, 2007
Just got back from the shop on another issue. But, I wanted to let everyone know about another conversation we had at the shop.
They just replaced the #5 piston/cylinder on a new 06' CTD, apparently the guy would let this idle for long periods of time. The ECM showed that the owner let it idle for 179 hours and only drove it for 224 hours. I guess the newer engines don't like sitting at idle for a long time.
I don't know, I like driving mine!

Anyone hear anything else like this?
Haven't heard of any, but it does stand to reason since at idle the motor cools enough you can get cylinder wall washdown.
smryan33 said:
Just got back from the shop on another issue. But, I wanted to let everyone know about another conversation we had at the shop.
They just replaced the #5 piston/cylinder on a new 06' CTD, apparently the guy would let this idle for long periods of time. The ECM showed that the owner let it idle for 179 hours and only drove it for 224 hours. I guess the newer engines don't like sitting at idle for a long time.
I don't know, I like driving mine!

Anyone hear anything else like this?

.......I was wonderiing the real reason behind the "cut-out" on long Idle time. I'm not sure of the time it takes but the 06' truck "should" kill three cylinders during prolonged Idle time.

If this problem extends to the 6.7 as well......DC will have a huge probelm on their hands. I don't know about how it works around the Country but down here the work trucks run all the time. I have yet to see a service truck NOT leaving the engine running while the fella is turning wrenches. Warrior tractor (John Deer), TEC (Komatsu'), Thompson Tractor (CAT) ....I've been around all of them and they all leave their trucks running. Can you imagine WTF would happen if Dodge dropped the ball on this? How many "lost sales" would Dodge incur?

.........if this is true, there is a HUGE problem waiting to explode.:bang
I dont know if the whole sky is falling, or just a star or two. Should I sell everything I own and live under a rock too, Burner? :hehe:

I've heard about cases like this b4. Huge idle times with no time to get heat back in the motor will kill em. Not good.

PTO idle up function can help this too.
If I remember correctly : according to Cummins manual low idle time max 10 min.!!
DC and Cummins have been very voiceferous about idle time for quite sometime. Where have you been Rich? It is in the owner's manual...
Tell me you dont idle the poo out of your truck....
Oh heck yeah I have! I'll let that thing run all night just for the halibut!

Honestly, I let it warm up when it's cold. And yes, sometimes it will run for 30, 50 or 90 minutes just sitting there. I do have the high-Idle feature and it does get used. There are other times where long Idle just happens... If the engine needs to run @ 1,000 RPM to keep everything in check then DC should have placed that into the programming IMHO.
It needs to be at or above 1k to to keep the heat in it. My manual says to keep below 30 minutes.
I think my manual high-Idle starts @ 1,000 RPM and goes to 1,500. I like to set it @ 1,250-1,300 if possible.