long weekend

not enoughsmoke

floatin in tha gulf
Dec 28, 2008
i dont know about u guys but after this weekend i was wore out friday night lawerceburg pull got 1st in diesel plus got home at 12:30 then got up at 4am and left to go to philidephia tn for dyno got the highest on the dyno and then left there early to head to knoxville to get so other parts and the went to ardmore and pulled got to bouncin had to let out track was horrible got 3rd though and finally got home after one of the pullers that beat me ran off in the ditch with his semi with trailer tryin to turn in the mexican resturant to eat and the had to pull him out of the ditch but i drove the truck everywhere lol here is some videos lol

YouTube - lawerceburg pull 1st
YouTube - 672hp tq?
YouTube - 708ho 1258tq
YouTube - 815hp 1377tq
YouTube - ardmore pull got 3rd