Looking for a Spool Aid



Much more could be done, for a little more work.

Of course, if I had to pay someone to do my work, or buy half the things I've built over the last 10 years of messing with this stuff, I probably wouldn't be doing it.

My 1/2 ton is an exception to this....I've been too busy, and have had some great people offer their help.

Design your own....


Thats what I'm doing. Heres my pipes for the head. Wiggins fittings are my new favorite parts. Lol

tapatalking from droidx
I would try and build my own, but working two jobs I just don't have the time to fab stuff up so I'm willing to pay someone else to make it and I'll put it on
I hear ya I work 80+ a wk but a little here and there it will be done maybe before spring. Bhahahaha
Yea, it's all the work that allows me to keep building my truck. My only other option is to win the lotto and I keep trying....