Looking for advice on 48re swap


New member
Feb 10, 2015
First of all thanks for all the info on the forum and free entertainment.
I have a few questions regarding the swapping out my 68rfe for a decent 48re. Already have most parts required . But the transmission I bought didn't come with the throttle valve actuator and was wondering if that's required . Also I can't seem to find the amount of material needed to take off the transfer case input as I'm going with the big 29 spline output on the trans . Wondering above t the overdrive case as I heard of them cracking should I update the case when I do the output shaft ? This swap is in a 07 3500 using the firepunk anteater controller . Also any advice on swap or helpful hints would be appreciated . Would a cooler upgrade be needed as I'd like to run one in the box and do away with the front mount cooler thanks
Thanks pretty much got all the info from Lavon and the guys at firepunk . They helped out a lot
I'm debating doing he 48 swap or building the 68

Glad you got the info you needed
i was on the fence and decided to go with the 48re due to more aftermarket support and fairly easy on a 3rd gen . Also just the parts alone for a rebuild would be cheaper in my eyes if I need a rebuild or refresh
The Anteater allows the TV motor assembly to be replaced by a TV lever set in a static position (typically 70-90%). Once you get the truck together, the actual value is determined by final line pressure when operating in overdrive locked up.
Thanks I've been following the anteater thread religiosly trying to absorb all the information I can as its getting close to install time here