looking for crewgirl

To the OP

I get bored with people who can load a programer on there ride and all the sudden know it all about diesels yet they don't even take enough pride to change there own oil let alone do anything ells with there ride. I have the whole " built not bought " mind set. Anyway!
So changing your own oil is a pride thing now?

Even though I can go get an oil change and carwash for less than I can buy the stuff to do it myself?

We've got a few pimps that are members that don't usually swing their own wrenches but I'd still bet they know more than you:D:poke:
Jebus.....how did I miss this thread? Oh...that's right....I was in the mod forum reading the updates on how we are going to discredit JP/GH. LOL

Anna....we were at HRP talking about old times. Your encounter with the purple juice came up. Memories.
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How did I miss this one too?

Maybe it's different down there, but knowing people around here that manage some oil change places, I would never bring my truck there! Too many cases of the wrong fluids being put in, and drain plugs left loose or not replaced at all. And diesels are enough of an up-charge that it costs about the same or more than the materials cost at Wal-Mart. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I don't trust other people to work on my truck! I can screw it up just fine on my own, thank you ;)
So changing your own oil is a pride thing now?

Even though I can go get an oil change and carwash for less than I can buy the stuff to do it myself?

We've got a few pimps that are members that don't usually swing their own wrenches but I'd still bet they know more than you:D:poke:

Not saying I'm the king of the diesel world. I just have weird ways I guess. It's hard for me to let someone els touch my rides. That way I know what's being done and that it's done CORRECT. Had a bad experience with a lube place and that was my one and only time going to a place to have a service done. Anyone with money can just go and say hear build me this and it gets done then some of them want to act like they are some kind of badass. Granted yes performance shops need people like that and honestly some of those idiots with money don't need to be under a hood as they will screw more stuff up. With that said I understand not everyone has a place to do an engine or a trans or even replace a lift pump but I feel that if your an enthusiast you should at least take enough pride in your ride to know it inside and out. Maybe I'm just OCD or something.
Oh, I do my own...

There is a local place with a great reputation that will wash, vacuum, and change your oil with Valvoline for right at $50, when I lived close they did my 99:D

I'm just being difficult:D
With that said I understand not everyone has a place to do an engine or a trans or even replace a lift pump but I feel that if your an enthusiast you should at least take enough pride in your ride to know it inside and out. Maybe I'm just OCD or something.
I know what you mean. Just saying that there are more enthusiasts than you might think that have others do their physical wrenching for various reasons that are still very knowledgeable...
Jebus.....how did I miss this thread? Oh...that's right....I was in the mod forum reading the updates on how we are going to discredit JP/GH. LOL

That is one heck of a thread. Wish we could share it with everybody else!LOL
I am trying very hard to overcome and forget the purple juice incident. *sigh*

As far as the derail this thread took. I have lots of respect for people who know how to work on their own stuff. I have even more respect for the people who know that they have no business even trying and will pay others to do it correctly.
Here's a good for instance. My truck needs an alignment, several people have told me over the years that it's easy to do it yourself, you just need a broom stick and a string and yadda yadda yadda. Nope, I have no business trying to mess with the tire alignment and would rather pay someone to do it that to have the front tires on my truck lookin all cross-eyed.
Its easy to do on my truck anna. I wouldn't attempt a 2wd.

I'm not going to bother on my TDI. It has a slight pull.

When a friend and I did my ball joints on my truck, went from the OEM's to adjustable. I figured, what the heck, lets try this string and measurement thing. Turns out. I had it with in 1/8" for toe, caster was perfect (adjustable on the new joints). Camber is static (unless chit's bent! :) ). I still had a pro check it out. Was cheap insurance.
I know what you mean. Just saying that there are more enthusiasts than you might think that have others do their physical wrenching for various reasons that are still very knowledgeable...

I get ya man. I've just never had many good experiences with shops doing work. Things like alignments and what not yeah I don't have the expensive machine to align my wheels correct so yeah I'll bite the bullet. I guess what I originally ment to say was I'd like to start going to some diesel events and start interacting with people who do more than look for ways to blow a bunch of smoke and try and talk about all the things they have done but they really have not a clue what they are doing to there ride. Anyway peace out rabbit!
I did a fast lube change once and blew my engine because the filter was loose and all the oil came out on a long drive.

Was just a beater thank god
Okay, what was the purple juice incident? Or do I have to call Anna for that one?

Heck, I've even started doing my own alignments. I had my truck aligned when I had the front tires replaced at a local shop that shall remain nameless but starts with "Les" and ends with "Schwab". The tires did not wear well, and I brought it back to be checked, and they claimed it was "within specification". As I later learned, the Ford spec is pretty dang wide, yet mine was even outside of that specification. I bought some relatively inexpensive do-it-yourself alignment tools (I have about $150 into the whole mess) and did it myself at home. The truck handles MUCH better with the alignment set exactly at specification, and the tires are wearing perfectly even. I used to align my cars myself with some REALLY crude home-made tools, back when I used to change the alignment every weekend for SCCA races. As long as you know the math, you can do a lot with a level and a tape measure!